S U V Debate Heightens across the Pond!
We all have our views on that most unfriendly and hideous looking of gas guzzling machines. Personally I think they should all be banned or at the very least the intending purchasers of such monstrosities should be forced to take so me additional Eco- friendly and Socio-friendly courses followed by a Driving Test concentrating on courtesy to other Road Users.
The small number of genuine usage-need drivers of this type of vehicle are far outweighed by the attention seekers and wealth flaunters in the community. Of course a good deal of these vehicles are cavorting in the building Industry which continues to boom relentlessly, fuelling yet more Sherman –Tank like legions on every road in the country.
There is a very excellent post about the Subject across the Atlantic which has attracted a mountain of comments so head on over to http://www.autoblog.com/2006/01/19/suv-owners-someones-on-yourside/ by Stuart Waterman and read to your hearts content!
The actual facts about the safety record of these vehicles I am sure would fill more than a book or two; my concern primarily, as always, is the driving style of any particular road user which often matches his or her vehicle in a disproportionate ratio to that of the cost of said machine!
Enough Said????? Not nearly enough..... Many of the second hand SUV's finding themselves looking for new owners before the paint has barely dried are finding their way into the hands of young and inexperienced drivers (read...it's unreadable!)
so this ain't a good omen for the immediate future.Novice Drivers should stick to normal sensible machines unless they happen to be Lumberjacks or Fishery Inspectors!
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