Accidents Will Happen ?
According to an Insurance Compan'ys statistics,approximately 80% of accidents involving another Motorist can be attributed to Five types of accident ! If YOU would like to remain accident -free........(and who doesn't ?) read on and leave others to Weep !. THE TOP FIVE MOST COMMON ACCIDENTS INVOLVING ANOTHER MOTORIST.
Caused simply by driving too close to the vehicle in front and failing to recognise that the other might stop suddenly.Lack of concentration in peak-time City Traffic is the usual case. 2. REAR END COLLISIONS ON ENTERING ROUNDABOUTS. Why at Roundabouts? On trying to enter a roundabout, the driver in front frequently changes his or her mind,as it may not be safe to proceed.Unfortunately, the motorist behind is too busy looking to his or her rightand does not notice that the other car has stopped. 3. EXITING A MAJOR ROAD. Strangely ,it is not misjudging the distance of the oncoming vehicle that is the problem, but rather failing to see them at all. 4.TURNING RIGHT WHILE THE OTHER DRIVER IS ATTEMPTING TO OVERTAKE. Who is at fault? It varies from court to court.Sometimes it is the driver who turns right for failing to indicate or look in his/her mirror or it may be the overtaking driverfor travelling too fast ,failing to indicate,or for overtaking at a dangerous place,although ,quite often, both drivers are deemed to have some responsibility . 5. MEETING ON NARROW ROADS. Most roads in Ireland are quite narrow,particularly those in the rural areas,so it is not surprising that his type of accident is very common.The newly introduced Speed Limit changes in January 2005 have recognised this fact and now the maximum speed limit on a rural or Country road is 80 kmph down by 20 kmph.Better Driver anticipation and much slower speed in these conditions would help greatly in avoiding these types of Accident. We will examine this in more detail in another post.Country road driving in Ireland has taken on a new dimension in recent years due to the increasing number of houses being built ouside of towns and cities ,with the corresponding increase in road traffic.
Check out our web site at for more info and do please feel free to contribute your own comments and experiences of Driving in Ireland .Very shortly our new Web Site "The Tourist Driver .com " will be launched with lots of useful tips on Driving in Ireland.In the mean time keep a look out on our blog for frequent updates and posts. E-Mail Address ..................
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